360° panorama
image viewer

How the 360 Panorama Image Viewer works

This page has been created for our partners so that they can view the 360 panorama images received from us. However, spherical panoramic images from other sources that meet the requirements below can be viewed with ease.

The viewer below must be launched by clicking on the image that first loads that image. Then you need to drag the image onto you want to view, which meets the following conditions.
Depending on the size of the spherical panorama image, it may take some time to load. Once the image is loaded, you can view it. To move and zoom on the computer, you can use the mouse with the buttons and the scroll wheel, on the phone with your fingers you can achieve these effects in the usual ways.

What conditions must be met for the image to be viewed:

  • Types, file extensions:
    the .jpeg and .png extensions are accepted.
  • Size:
    the program accepts images up to 10Mbyte in size.
  • Format:
    must be a 360 panorama image in Equirectangular format.